Joint statement from members of the Colorado Health Policy Coalition on the state budget and the crisis facing Medicaid members and those who provide their care

“The year after returning $1.6 billion in TABOR rebates to tax filers and in the context of strong economic indicators for our state, Colorado is facing a budget shortfall of nearly $1 billion. This budget crisis will force policymakers to slash funding for critically important programs and services that will ultimately hurt all Coloradans, especially those who rely on our precarious health care safety net.

We understand the tough choices facing policymakers and appreciate that Governor Polis’ 2025-26 budget submission includes some modest provisions to mitigate what could be even worse damage. However, as a coalition dedicated to advancing a strong and equitable health care system for all Coloradans, we are deeply concerned that the Governor’s budget proposal is an insufficient response to the scale of the crisis impacting Medicaid eligible Coloradans and the safety net health care providers who serve them. 

As has been repeatedly reported by the media (Denver Post, May 2024 // USA Today, July 2024 // Denver Post, August 2024) and discussed by lawmakers in public hearings in June, September and October, coming out of COVID, Colorado did a particularly poor job of keeping Medicaid eligible residents enrolled in this safety net health insurance program. More than 575,000 Coloradans have lost their Medicaid health coverage over the last year. And, as a result, safety net health care providers – including safety net clinics, mental health centers, hospitals and day programs – are struggling to serve their communities as they are forced to reduce hours, lay off staff and otherwise restrict access to care. The human toll of this Medicaid disenrollment crisis is real: it is well documented that after losing coverage, Coloradans are skipping medications and treatments and delaying care until it cannot be ignored any longer. This is resulting in pain and suffering for our communities, more inefficient and expensive care delivery for the health care system today and will result in higher health care costs in the future, as people miss out on the basic services that keep them healthy. The crisis facing Medicaid disproportionately impacts immigrant communities, who often encounter significant barriers to accessing and maintaining coverage, including language differences, fear of repercussions related to immigration status, and administrative complexities. A failure to acknowledge that reality in Colorado’s budget demonstrates a lack of concern for the challenges facing low and middle income Coloradans and the safety net organizations dedicated to serving them.

Legislators are seeing and hearing about the impacts of this crisis in the communities they serve and they understand the urgency to act. We look forward to partnering with members of the Joint Budget Committee and their colleagues in the General Assembly to prioritize Coloradans’ access to health care and our health care safety net in the 2025-26 budget process by:

  • Investing in infrastructure fixes and supports to make it easy for every Coloradan eligible for Medicaid and the Child Health Plan Plus to enroll and stay enrolled

  • Protecting and maximizing the Primary Care Fund 

  • Maximizing every opportunity to draw down additional federal Medicaid matching funds

  • Identifying ways that Colorado can expand access to state resources

  • Reducing administrative burdens on providers to free up resources for patient care

Adams County Health Department

African Chamber of Commerce Colorado USA

American Academy of Pediatrics, Colorado Chapter

Caring for Colorado Foundation

Clinica Colorado

Children’s Hospital Colorado

Chronic Care Collaborative

Colorado Academy of Family Physicians

Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies

Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies

Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials

Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council

Colorado Center on Law and Policy

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Colorado Community Health Network

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative

Colorado Gerontological Society

Colorado Hospital Association

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition

Colorado Medical Society

Colorado Rural Health Center

Colorado Safety Net Collaborative

CommonSpirit Health

Craig Hospital

Denver Health

Doctors Care

Every Child Pediatrics

Family Voices Colorado

Fostering Colorado


Health Colorado, Inc.

Health District of Northern Larimer County

Healthier Colorado

Immunize Colorado

Jefferson Center for Mental Health

Kids First

Lupus Colorado

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, Colorado Chapter

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center

Rose Community Foundation

Southwest Health System, Inc.


Vivent Health

Western Health Alliance

Youth Healthcare Alliance

Zebra Incorporated